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Version: 2.x

Clerk Authentication


The following CLI command will install required packages and generate boilerplate code and files for Redwood Projects:

yarn rw setup auth clerk


To get started with Clerk, sign up on their website and create an application, or follow their RedwoodJS Blog Tutorial with Clerk that has an example repo already setup.

It's important that the ClerkAuthProvider added to your App.{js|ts} file during setup is within the RedwoodProvider and around Redwood's AuthProvider:

const App = () => (
<FatalErrorBoundary page={FatalErrorPage}>
<RedwoodProvider titleTemplate="%PageTitle | %AppTitle">
<AuthProvider type="clerk">
<Routes />

The RedwoodJS Blog Tutorial with Clerk also explains how to use @clerk/clerk-react components with Redwood's useAuth() hook:

import { UserButton, SignInButton } from '@clerk/clerk-react'

// ...

isAuthenticated ? (
<UserButton afterSignOutAll={window.location.href} />
) : (
<SignInButton mode="modal">
<button>Log in</button>

Applications in Clerk have different instances. By default, there's one for development, one for staging, and one for production. You'll need to pull three values from one of these instances. We recommend storing the development values in your local .env file and using the staging and production values in the appropriate env setups for your hosting platform when you deploy.

The three values you'll need from Clerk are your instance's "Frontend API Key" url, a "Backend API key" and a "JWT verification key", all from your instance's settings under "API Keys". The Frontend API url should be stored in an env variable named CLERK_FRONTEND_API_URL. The Backend API key should be named CLERK_API_KEY. Finally, the JWT key should be named CLERK_JWT_KEY

Otherwise, feel free to configure your instances however you wish with regards to their appearance and functionality.

Including Environment Variables in Serverless Deploys

In addition to adding these env vars to your local .env file or deployment hosting provider, you must take an additional step to include them in your deployment build process. Using the names exactly as given above, follow the instructions in this document. You need to expose the CLERK_FRONTEND_API_URL variable to the web side.

Login and Logout Options

When using the Clerk client, login and signUp take an options object that can be used to override the client config.

For login the options may contain all the options listed at the Clerk props documentation for login.

For signUp the options may contain all the options listed at the Clerk props documentation for signup.

Avoiding Feature Duplication Confusion

Redwood's integration of Clerk is based on Clerk's React SDK. This means there is some duplication between the features available through that SDK and the ones available in the @redwoodjs/auth package - such as the alternatives of using Clerk's SignedOut component to redirect users away from a private page vs. using Redwood's Private route wrapper. In general, we would recommend you use the Redwood way of doing things when possible, as that is more likely to function harmoniously with the rest of Redwood. That being said, though, there are some great features in Clerk's SDK that you will be able to now use in your app, such as the UserButton and UserProfile components.